Vitiforestry: a sustainable strategy for viticulture to cope with climate change?
Im Rahmen des Klimawandels steigt die Häufigkeit von extremen Wetterereignissen wie Überschwemmungen und Hitzewellen. Increasing stressors put quality wine production under pressure and threaten the sustainability of vinegrowing. The integration of trees in vineyards is emerging as a potential solution to tackle future challenges in viticulture. Thus, interest among Swiss winegrowers is growing, as is the demand for supportive information. But today, there are only few references on modern vitiforestry systems integrating trees either between vine rows (inter-rows) or within them (intrarows), in Switzerland and worldwide. Hence, there is a strong need to investigate pioneer system that have been implemented for several years in the Swiss territory in order to judge their interest in terms of resilience to climate change. Therefore, the project aims to:
- Evaluate an existing vitiforestery system to deepen the understanding of the main processes and interactions within the system regarding microclimate alteration, water and nutrient availability, productivity and quality of grapes. As improved resilience through mycorrhizal belowground network.
- Investigate new vitiforestery systems regarding changes in soil characteristics and mycorrhizal community formation.
- Sammeln Sie Referenzen über Managementpraktiken, den Erwerb von Informationsstrategien und potenzielle Mehrwerte in bestehenden Weinbau-Systemen.
2023 - in progress
Partners: FiBL, AGRIDEA
Funding: BLW